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My wish list in the specified format:

1. Length                    5 meters
2. Diameter                  1.5 meters 
3. Speed                     no preference, speed is not the issue
4. Range or dive time        three to five hours
5. Safe dive depth           100-150 meters
6. Cost window               $ 5,000.00  American (this may be unrealistic)
7. Further comments          Shrouded fixed prop or pair of such running inside a low center intake/exaust duct and using dive planes to control descent/course rather than tiltable props.  Duct could be straddled by oceanaut(s)  It would have the disadvantage of poor maneuverability, can't rotate well, for example.  It could end up being very stealthy, low prop noise. This would have the advantage of not scaring away fish.  It would also keep the prop away from things that might damage it, i.e.: rocks and other vessels, divers, large sea creatures, etc.  A grate could be placed over the intake port to keep things like seaweed out. Above all else, OSS must be robust!

Dale A. Raby
The Green Bay Web
