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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] group submarine designing - good or bad.

On Sun, 12 Jan 2003 12:10:11 -0800 Ian Roxborough writes:
>Group submarine project.
>Wasn't there a couple of people (from this list?) who tried to
>design a submarine together and after 3 years still had not
>finish the specs stage?  (I heard this third hand so I could
>be wrong).

I was part of that.    While a big part of my interest was in 
the design, my main drive was the document the process.

The basic idea was the same as this one: a new simple psub.
At its core, the concept was an upgrade of the K-subs.

What happened to that group was that it went off the PSUBs 
list and attempted to start a new mailing list.    The primary 
reasons it failed were (1) unreliability of the server of the new 
list and (2) lack of discipline.    There's nothing we could have 
done about the server problems, but when it stopped working 
everyone did not attempt to continue the project.

The chap who was running the new list had work problems, 
and he had to quit.   No one else had a list of who was on the 
new mailing list ,and when that list went down no one 
seemed to be interested in doing anything beyond waiting for 
the list to reappear.

There was a certain hesitancy to perform the new design work
in the open.  I'm not sure what caused that.

What have I learned from this?   Don't trust technology
and keep going.   

Mike H.

It is possible to make a Ship or Boate that may goe underwater
unto the bottom, and so to come up againe at your pleasure ...
William Bourne, 1576

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