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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: Mike Contact light

Hallo Mike - nett Dich in der Gruppe zu haben ! 
Kannst Du mich privat kontakten ? (carsten@euronaut.org)

PS: Eine Mail Überschrift (Betreff) währe gut - diese Gruppenmails
werden im Psubs Online Archiv abgelegt - ohne Überschrift nicht
wiederzufinden. Außerdem haben viele die Angewohnheit Mails ohne
Überschrift wegen der Virengefahr ungelesen zu löschen. 

Beste Grüße Carsten  		WWW.euronaut.org

Michael Wludarczyk schrieb:
> Hi you all,
> I am Mike, a commercial deep sea diver, with plenty of experience
> in deep water bell saturation and I am a quatified submarine pilot, on the
> Perry PC 8-2,working for Shell-0UK,and Esso in the North Sea,
> down to 300 meters, = 1000 feet.
> I am german,my majors are hydraucics and welding, and my wife and our 15
> year old son are americans. I like your group and like to join in , for now
> we are living in the med sea,in Spain on the wonderfull island
> Ibiza, one of the Balearic Islands. Myself and a friend here, were planning
> to build a psub, like the K 350 or better.
> Your group is the perfect base to start building one. If I can't join you, I
> would be the first one to purshase a lisence from you to build one. I am
> fluent in german, english, italian and spanish.
> References can be supplyed.
> Greetings and a happy new year, Mike.
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