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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Open source cad/sub tools

>From: Ian Roxborough <irox@ix.netcom.com>
> Here is a piece of software used to analyze IGC flight data
> from a flight data recorder:
> http://hubble.physik.uni-konstanz.de/~kruegerh/GPLIGC/GPLIGC.php
> I've been wondering if this could be adapted for use with
> submarines,  the tricky part would be the dive recorder.
> Although, it might be better if the dive recorder could be
> supplying data to a laptop in real time so that it could be used
> as a navigation aid (I'm not sure if the authors of the software
> would like that)...


I say *Why Not!*
I checked this site out and I think you've got me hooked
on this.  I have a project that I think I can integrate into this one.
Have you pursued this at all? And if so, what's your progress?
Do you have one  or know anything about this "IGC approved
GNSS-Flight data recorder"?
Have you spoken/emailed with this "Hannes Krueger"?
( any relation to Freddy Krueger?....sorry, bad joke )
He seems to be a bit frustrated with lack of feedback!

I see a lot of possibilities here.
Finances (the lack of) and workspace (also the lack of)
prohibit me from building a submersible like the K350,
but I could see building an ROV or AUV that would utilitize
these features and, later on, to a manned submersible.
