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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] 2002 PSUBS Award Winners

When I read the first post concerning, shall we say, the K450...I was intrigued.
Why don't we get together a wish list? What do people want that the present Ks
don't have? How can they be improved? I personally would like to have a sub like
the K350, but with a couple changes.

1. Run at ambient on demand to facilitate diving from sub.
2. Longer pressure hull.
3. Longer run time.
4. Higher speed.
5. Electronic navigation and evironmental systems.

Are there any others? Is there anyway we could post some schematics and bang our
heads together until we resolve the changes? To me #1 on my list is also
the most important. I think that #2 and #3 will be required to make number one work.
Higher speed could be made scalable, perhaps, so that higher speeds simply mean
dumping more money into the batteries and motor to achieve whatever level of performance
you need. Everything in #5 should be superfical only. All gauges should still have an
analog/mechanical primary. The electronic could be made as an optional reference design,
so that the sub doesn't require it and you can save money by omiting it altogether. Am
I up in the sky on this? I would love to build a "K450" if it was worked out with all
you other bright minds and proven viable.


> In a message dated 1/10/2003 10:44:54 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
> MerlinSub@t-online.de writes:
> > Yes - I have also to say - thank you very much !!
> > 
> > My hope is that somedays - some guys find the time 
> > to design a new up to date Kittredge style sub 
> > -means simple and cheap- than test the unit and 
> > offer the plans to everybody.
> > 
> > Carsten  
> > 
> > 
> Carsten, Let me know if you want to attempt this (in your spare time). I have 
> some ideas about improvements and the like, and would love to see a sub like 
> it back out there where people can use it. Captain George does not seem 
> interested in perpetuating his design. We can use it after he is gone, I 
> suppose. Or parts of it. But there are some improvement opportunities. My 
> best to Sabine. Happy New Year. Vance

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