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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Closed circuit engines

This technic had been much improved since and it is  used today in elaborate combat swimmer delivery vehicles.
It is a close circuit diesel, exhaust is recycled  with liquid oxygen tank and scrubber. It is perfectly clean, silent and stealth.
There is a risk with gas engines, because gas has a lower ignition temp it could explode at depth under pressure. this is why diesel fuel is preferred.
----- Original Message -----
From: ToolRoomTrustee@aol.com
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2003 9:39 PM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Closed circuit engines

Seems like the Germans researched this in the late 20s and early 30s.
One researcher was jewish and forced out by the NAZIs.
My understanding is that the 4 cycle engines that are gasoline fuelled
can use their exhaust when spiked with oxygen or air as both a fuel
component  plus gasoline vapor from the carburetor and as air supply.
I wonder what carbon monoxide dissolves in or is absorbed by.
Carbon dioxide, of course, is absorbed by soda lime. 
I do wonder if carbon monoxide is bled into the water, will it kill fish?
I don't know what the relationship in cost is between compressed air
and oxygen. 
I have wondered whether a 4 stroke engine could be run in an inert atmosphere
that wouldn't support combustion.  Maybe then there would be less of a fire hazard
with gasoline.
If the exhaust gases are cooled in the muffling process, then their volume will
decrease though becoming denser.
Seems to me that the Germans in their WWI subs innovatwed the practice of using
the exhaust diesel gasses to finish bowing out their ballast tanks.  I don't know
how practical that would be for a personal sub.

Just thinking and pondering
Larry Murray