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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Acrylic Molds


It depends on the type of modified acrylic and annealing time, usually the effect is minimal
but I would recommend that you refer to the spec sheet of the particular brand you're using.
Acrylic can be found in many different grades and modifiers can vary the physical properties
quite a bit.
Check out some of the reference links in my last post.

Happy heating!

Dan, your ingenuity with the welder and rod  for bending is brilliant!
A true junk yard warrior!


Michael B Holt wrote:

> On Wed, 8 Jan 2003 19:28:30 -0500 "Dan H." writes:
> >
> >  I ran a horizontal steel rod a few  inches
> >under the sheet and hooked the ends of the rod to a welder on really
> >low amperage.  The rod got hot and heated the Plexiglas directly above
> it
> >in a straight line.  It got pliable above the hot rod.
> What is the effect on the strength of the material of heating and
> cooling in a different shape?
> Mike H.
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