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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Plywood and auto parts.

On Mon, 06 Jan 2003 22:35:58 +0100 Carsten Standfuss writes:
>> That's the same method in the Markham plans.   How well did
>> it work?
>It doesn't work well.. I put the unit out the oven during the time I saw

>that the acrlic sunk in the middle - short before it contact with his
>centerpoint the baseplate. Then I connected air wire from a airpump (a
>small electric 18 atmosph. compressor) to the vale and blow the 
>..but lost to much air via the plywood - so the bubble make just some
>20° degree and not the 180° I want.

That's what I thought might happen.   I assume that method works very
well on smaller canopies -- small enough for models.   

>Also I found that the plywood isolate the acrylic in the rand areas 
>to much from the heat .. next time I prefer to test a mold with
>aluminium rings and plates..  
>The acrylic was about a half inch strong - and the plywood maybe not 
>the best.. 

How are canopies made for small airplanes?   I know some builders
make their own canopies at home.

>How much will the pine planks cost ? 
>And how much the overall project ?

Any solid wood will cost too many dollars.   I need pine planks
1 inch by 9 inches by 14 1/2 feet long.   It's difficult to find any
wood that long.

For plywood alone, the thing will cost at least $1000.  That
will give me a 3-ply hull with three stiffening bulkheads.
The conning tower, wheels and other parts will add to

>How much hours you will spend ?

Perhaps 200 hours, at the least.  

>Have you think about after using the sub - to 
>spent it for museums porpose ?

I'm planning to build a full sized mockup in plywood, just
to plan the interior of the real thing.   The mockup will be
made of 9 mm plywood on the sides and top, and 12 mm
on the bottom.   It will be framed with 2x4s.   This one will
be given to a local museum: the Science Museum of 
Virginia has the Aluminaut.

>The "..naut" in Euronaut is also a contribution to S.Lake.. 

 Aluminaut's conception is credited partly to Simon Lake's 
influence on Richard S. Reynolds, who pushed to have 
Aluminaut built.  

Mike H.

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