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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] The best geographic place to build a submarine?

How 'bout Green Bay, Wisconsin?

You are within easy driving distance of Lake Michigan and Lake Superior.  Northern Wisconsin is filled with hundreds of small lakes deep enough for a submarine.  The water is clear enough in some of them to see the bottom forty feet down.  Port de Mort is up in Door County... where there are well preserved wrecks from just about the time White men came to the area... the mid 1700's or so... no ship worms, cold fresh water.  The place is almost like an underwater museum... or so I am told. 

In the winter... if you are really brave or crazy... you could dive under the ice in Green Bay.

There is abundant shipbuilding expertise in the area, with a major shipyard in Sturgeon Bay.  A yacht manufacturer, Carver, is in Pulaski. 

In Manitowoc to the south, they used to build Gato class submarines for WWII... and there are still quite a few of the submariners there... as well as a Gato class submarine moored there permanently.  It is said to be fully operational... and I've talked to a naval officer who was working on the communications system... he wanted to know where to get vacuum tubes... who confirmed this... though he said that the old girl would not survive long in modern naval combat.  There is another yacht manufacturer down there, too.

I suspect it would not be difficult to find a berth for a submarine along the Fox River or possibly the East River.  There is also Kewaunee to the east of here... an old fishing town on the shore of Lake Michigan.  Any of these places are easily within a half hour or so of any location in Green Bay.

In addition, we have a fairly stable employment base, due to the paper industry, and a pretty low crime rate for cities our size.  The only drawbacks are that it does get cold here, with snow... and our state taxes are the fourth highest in the nation, I gather.

On Sun, 2003-01-05 at 18:52, Ian Roxborough wrote:

I'm faced with the possibility that I may have leave my
current location (Santa Cruz, CA.) to look for work.

A side from the employment issues, I'm wondering where
would be a good place to build and operate a submarine?
What makes a good place to build a submarine?
What makes a good place to operate a submarine?

Santa Cruz did seem like a really good place (this is
why I moved there in the first place).  A large area of
clear, interesting and not too deep water (before you drop
off in to Monterey canyon).  Close to several industrial areas
(silicon valley).  The possibility of renting a work space/area
within 15 minutes to 30 minutes travel from my home.  Easy
access to a launch ramp.

I could move to Boston in time of the next PSubs convention?
Europe? South America? UK? India?

Where on Earth would you like to build your submarine and why?


Dale A. Raby
The Green Bay Web
