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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] The best geographic place to build a submarine?

I'd defininetly rule out Tamanrasset, Algeria, if I were you.

Ian Roxborough wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm faced with the possibility that I may have leave my
> current location (Santa Cruz, CA.) to look for work.
> A side from the employment issues, I'm wondering where
> would be a good place to build and operate a submarine?
> What makes a good place to build a submarine?
> What makes a good place to operate a submarine?
> Santa Cruz did seem like a really good place (this is
> why I moved there in the first place).  A large area of
> clear, interesting and not too deep water (before you drop
> off in to Monterey canyon).  Close to several industrial areas
> (silicon valley).  The possibility of renting a work space/area
> within 15 minutes to 30 minutes travel from my home.  Easy
> access to a launch ramp.
> I could move to Boston in time of the next PSubs convention?
> Europe? South America? UK? India?
> Where on Earth would you like to build your submarine and why?
> Thanks,
>    Ian.

"You delight not in a city's seven or seventy wonders, but in an answer
it gives to a question of yours, or the question it asks you, forcing
you to answer, like Thebes through the mouth of the Sphinx." -- Kublai