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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] nuclear psub?

Not so Dale.  Saddam has his own source of uranium.  They have some
fairly rich U-ore up by the northern border.  People wondered why he
attacked the Kurds like he did.  It was more than *just* testing his

> "Dale A. Raby" wrote:
> Hey, now.... wouldn't that be cool.  The reactors on board some of
> those old space probes launched in the sixties are still producing
> current from their thermocouples in atomic piles... tiny ones at
> that...after all these years.
> Here's the problem... such little reactors generally use weapons grade
> reaction mass... and even when they don't they are still carefully
> controlled by various government agencies. There is radiation
> shielding and all the danger from not containing the reaction
> properly.
> Then there is the problem with people like Saddam wanting to grab your
> sub for a source of fissionable material... oh, and did I mention
> this?  I am a US Army Reserve NCO, and bound to report such things to
> my commander... though I suspect he'd get a good laugh out of this
> one.
> I find it interesting though that in the 40 odd years since the
> Nautilus, that there are still military submersibles being made with
> diesel/electric propulsion.  Economies of scale, I'd guess.
> On Sun, 2003-01-05 at 14:59, Nero Wolfe wrote:
> > I was at the University of Chicago today and i saw the monument to
> > enrico firmi's CP-1.  Chicago Pile 1 was a big pile of graphite and
> > unenriched uranium...  Litterally a pile.  This got me thinking...
> > A reactor is disturbingly simple.  I think you know where I'm going
> > on this....  The technology is simpler than cartsens boat...
> Dale A. Raby
> Editor/Publisher
> The Green Bay Web
> http://www.thegreenbayweb.com

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