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      Until last week (Saturday) there was no snow here either, (Calgary)
Actually from Calgary  - east to Saskatoon there was now snow.  The weather
seems particularly strange this year.  I find it interesting that its the
same even as far away as Minnesota.  On Saturday we got 8" of snow (20 cm)
in one go, though.  I was out to Banff on the weekend and by Exshaw there
is a lake near the highway on which people were skating.  It was very clear
because the wind had blown the snow off.  I think this lake never has much
snow due to the winds in the area.



J. Barlow CET
Sr. Mechanical Designer
BJ Pipeline Inspection

Ph  (403) 531-5412
Fax (403) 236-8740
Cell (403) 807-2195

                      David Buchner                                                                                                             
                      <buchner@wcta.net>                To:       personal_submersibles@psubs.org                                               
                      Sent by:                          cc:                                                                                     
                      owner-personal_submersible        Subject:  Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] snow                                                      
                      03/01/2003 06:51 AM                                                                                                       
                      Please respond to                                                                                                         

Whoa! Seriously? "Any snow"? Or just "not very much snow"? Where are
you again, Gregory? Because I have this ice-boat I once again got
working right about the time there was too much snow on local lakes to
try it out.

On Wednesday, Jan 1, 2003, at 12:45 US/Central, Gregory Snyder wrote:

> Happy New Year From Minnesota,
> Where for some reason, we still do not have any snow.
> Somebody has been messing with the weather again.
> Best Wishes to all for the New Year.
> Sincerely,
> Gregory Snyder

Osage, MN, USA