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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Ambient pressure sub hardware

I think that if used correctly, *any* method of measurement will most
likely do.  I recall Ray ending this kind of discussion before, because
it ruffled a few feathers and I think a few people left.  Can we just
agree that either standard english OR metric can work?

David Buchner wrote:
> Brent Shaw wrote in response to  Pierre Poulin, about automatic valves
> to maintain + pressure in an ambient sub:
> > I'm an ambient sub man as well and this is what I'm
> > using in my sub. We can chat off-line if you want and
> > compare theories.
> Oh, please don't. I'm interested in that too, and that's just the kind
> of thing this forum is good for. I expect there're quite a few other
> lurkers who perked up at the mention and are reading along.
> If anything ought to be taken off-list it's the response I'm cooking up
> to fling back at the metric-totalitarians who think "There are no other
> countries that officially use this system" is a viable substitute for
> an argument. ;-)
> David
> buchner@wcta.net
> Osage, MN, USA
> http://customer.wcta.net/buchner

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