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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Amphibious P-sub sneak attacks

On Tue, 3 Dec 2002 10:54:19 -0600 David Buchner <buchner@wcta.net>
>My thought exactly. Why mess around with drowning yourself in chilly 
>Lake Michigan, messing with a complicated and expensive toy, when you 
>could just load your whateveritis into the back of a $150 car and drive 
>through customs? 

Given that so many of the potential terrorists are already here with
green cards, are married to citizens or can feel safe that we'll never
notice them because of fear of profiling, customs may not be the
biggest problem.   After the 9/11 attack, the local universites and
churches all told us to be nice to Middle Easterners because they
might feel threatened.   Offhand, it seems to me the big problem
is buying enough of the stuff to make a  weapon.

> If  you insist on an attack from the water, I can point you to two 
>high-profile examples showing that a second-hand ski boat would do 
>just  fine: no need to be that sneaky, and you can go faster.

One big aid in the U.S. to success of that sort of attack is that we
don't like to even notice anyone doing anything stupid in a boat
with lots of power.   We assume they'll go away or that the 
"authorities will handle it."

Which reminds me: what are we doing about tenders for the
psubs?   Anyone have any ideas for custom designs?

>I have to think that anybody who might take p-subs seriously as a 
>"terrorist" weapon would have to have a pretty shallow understanding 
>of what p-subs do.

Perhaps we need to find a way to painlessly educate the public.

>Okay, I'd better quit it. I just realized I'm logically dissecting a 
>tabloid story...

It could be worse.  The story in which you have such interest
does have some signficance in many ways.   I once wrote a
long and reasoned essay proposing an explanation for the
crash at Roswell.

Mike H.

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