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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Argonaut Junior replica

Which one was it he took (or was it someone else?) from somewhere on the
east coast to Chesapeke Bay?  I think it was him, wasn't it?

Michael B Holt wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Oct 2002 19:12:33 -0700 Coalbunny <coalbunny@vcn.com> writes:
> >Hmmm.  Ok.  I see where you're coming from.  But that doesn't mean
> >that it's safe to make it today as they made it back then.  Now we have
> >better materials to use.
> We also have better fastenings and better glues.   And even fiberglass!
> > I would say that if you want to build it, perhaps put a wooden shell
> >around the metal hull.  Just an idea.
> The plywood, I feel, is perfectly safe alone at the depths Junior
> really operated.   However, being a cautious (or gutless, if you're
> not related to me) sort, I'm gonna wrap the thing in a half-inch
> of glass.   Authenticity is nice, but not if I feel threatened.
> This thing is not supposed to be left alone in water deeper than
> about 15 feet.  I'd be perfectly happy to crawl along in water
> that was just enough to cover the hatch, and I'd be willing to
> bet cash Simon Lake felt exactly the same way.   No one ever
> wanted to take Junior out for a cruise.
> Mike H.
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