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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Battery Desulfation

Hello All,
      I have been doing some research on ways of extending lead-acid batter 
life, or in some cases, bringing a "dead" battery back to useful 
life.  Reading the literature, it seems that the biggest culprit of battery 
failure is lead sulfate crystals forming on the battery plates.  Even 
batteries with a constant trickle charge suffer from sulfation.
     What I have seen on the net seems very interesting.  There appears to 
be two methods of dealing with sulfation.  The first involves a variety of 
different types of chargers that pulse the battery with a high-current 
spike causing the natural resonate frequency of the battery to be driven 
much like plucking a guitar string.  This resonate action causes the 
sulfate crystals to break lose and fall free of the plates.  Another method 
employs a complex organic salt, most simply called EDTA, to be added to 
each cell.  This material pulls the lead out of the sulfate allowing the 
crystals to go back into solution.
     I have ordered some EDTA and plan to test it in two of my sub 
batteries.  I have also constructed a simple electronic desulfator (not my 
design) that I found on the net.  It seems to be working from preliminary 
testing but I have not see what it can do on a battery to increase its stamina.
     If anyone is interested I suggest looking at the follow sites.  If you 
scroll down and look for the "original article" from home power magazine, 
the schematics should be there.

Electronic Desulfator shown below:

Some articles on EDTA are shown below:

     Please note that I am NOT endorsing EDTA or the desulfator shown in 
the articles.  I have no idea if they have a downside or if they are even 
effective, but if you have a sub or plan to have one, you might want to 
read some of the literature.  I plan to make some more posts when I know more.

Gary Boucher