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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] CAD packages

I use AutoCad from AutoDesk for work.  I have used AutoCAD LT before and it
is very good though it doesn't do 3D, however I question the need for a 3D
CAD package.  Well thought out 2D layouts are often as good.

ACAD LT 98 & 2000 were only about $150.00 a couple of years ago so they may
be an option as well.

On the other hand I did use Turbo CAD in about '92 and found it OK then and
I'm sure its better now so that may be a good one also.

ACAD LT 2002 is good and runs acceptably on computers as old as a P-120.
with enough RAM (64-128)  You can order a free trial CD here:


I haven't heard of the Quick CAD before but I just looked at it on the
AutoDesk site and It seems OK.
I others I haven't heard of at all.  Perhaps others will have.

My 2¢ worth.



J. Barlow CET
Sr. Mechanical Designer
BJ Pipeline Inspection

Ph  (403) 531-5412
Fax (403) 236-8740
Cell (403) 807-2195

                    Ray Keefer                                                                                                  
                    <Ray.Keefer@Sun.COM>              To:     personal_submersibles@psubs.org                                   
                    Sent by:                          cc:                                                                       
                    owner-personal_submersibles       Subject:     [PSUBS-MAILIST] CAD packages                                 
                    12/09/2002 05:04 PM                                                                                         
                    Please respond to                                                                                           


I dropped by my local friendly computer store to look at their CAD
The sales drones were not much help and just looking at the boxes didn't
help either.

The PSUBS archive does not conclusively point at one package over another.

Which is the best CAD package? I mean best for submarine
applications like plumbing, 2D and 3D hulls (structure), schematics, ....

The user interface has to be well thought out with no bugs.

The choices I have to choose from are:

           DesignCAD Express        $40
                     Max                  $80
           TurboCAD Ver8           $80
                    Ver8 Designer  $30
           AutoDesk QuickCAD       $50
