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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] acrylic sphere/lithium Hydroxide

     I'm not arguing against a P.E. looking at one's design.  I think it is 
good in some cases, essential in others.  But, acrylic viewports and domes 
are more cookbook than math at this point in time.  Using the PVHO 
standards, anyone technically competent can in less than five minutes 
obtain a thickness for a viewport of a given outside diameter, supported 
diameter, proposed operating depth, and temperature range.  Many years of 
research and extensive testing have gone into acrylic viewports and domes.
     I manufactured my own viewports for my sub, but I had no trouble 
getting quotes from reputable manufactures.  I think that if a manufacturer 
got the idea that a builder had absolutely no idea what was going on, he 
might have reservations.  But, much of their liability protection is in 
manufacturing acrylic that conforms to a universally accepted standard (PVHO).

G. Boucher

At 07:31 PM 9/9/2002, you wrote:
>Surely you understand the liability of producing acrylic for a PVHO. No
>reputable acrylic manufacturer would produce viewports or domes without
>calculations. Please don't design any manned submersible without having a PE
>run the calculations....surely your life is worth more that a few hundred
>Best Regards:
>Phillip Janca
>HyperTec, Inc.
>World Leader in Hyperbaric Technologies
>940-564-5609 Fax
><A HREF="http://www.hypertec.ws">http://www.hypertec.ws</A>