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RES: [PSUBS-MAILIST] acrylic sphere/lithium Hydroxide

>Any companies that sell co2 scrubbers? What
>is the cost of Lithium Hydroxide (ball park)? I dove
>on a sub that used a brand of L.H. called Sodasorb.
>Any info would be helpful.

> Any book titles on
> making a co2 scrubber?
> Thanks;
> Ricci


	search for homebrew rebreathers to find a wealth of information.

	There are a few other co2 absorbent on the market like
	Baralyme, Sofnolime and Wakolime.

	Take a look for pricing:


	Some information that might be of interest:

	SodaSorb ® (the brand of soda-lime used by DeepWorker
	is manufactured by the W.R. Grace Company in the United States.
	SodaSorb ® consists of 70-80 percent Ca(OH)2, 16-20 percent H2O,
	1-2 percent NaOH and 0-1 percent KOH.

	The mechanism for this exothermic reaction is:

	H2O(l) = CO2(g) ------- Na2CO3(s) = 2H2O(l)

	2NaOH(s) = H2CO3(aq) ------- Na2CO3(s) = 2H2O(l)

	Ca(OH)2(s) = H2CO3(aq) ------- CaCO3(s) = 2H2O(l)

	There is a net production of three H2O molecules for every molecule
	of CO2 absorbed. Some chemical absorbents employ an indicator that
	changes color when the reactant is exhausted.
	The ethyl violet indicator in SodaSorb ® changes from white to purple
	when the chemical can absorb no additional CO2.

	When a person breathes, 0.82L of CO2 is exhaled for every liter of O2
	inhaled. An O2 generation system should either produce a larger volume
	of O2 than the volume of CO2 consumed or make-up for the difference
	with a supplemental O2 supply. A gas "regulator" is used to deliver gas
	to the DeepWorker's cabin at the proper rate. Pressure gauges monitor
	the supply of O2(g) in DeepWorker's twin cylinders.

	The temperature of the absorbent influences the effectiveness of the
	reaction. SodaSorb ® works much better in the relatively warm cabin
	of DeepWorker.

	Taken from:


	Hope it helps !


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