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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] GM's 100mph 400lb fuel cell automobile

This sounds great, but I'm wondering is how long it will
be before we see any of this technology on the market.
The first commercially based hydrogen fuel cell was supposed
to have been on the market last year.  It was a 1000Watt
generator by Coleman Powermate.  After a little searching
I found they are having problems getting the parts:


While we're talking about fuelcells, here's a link
for information on methonal fuelcells:


Hydrogen and methanol fuelcells still require O2, at
somepoint I need to dust of my chemistry books and
workout out how much Oxygen is needed.  I would imagine
it wouldn't be higher than two oxygen atoms per hydrogen


On Sun, 25 Aug 2002 07:07:37 -0400
"Bob Teufel" <robert.teufel@verizon.net> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Here is a great link:
> http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?art_id=iol1029480022328H600
> GM has a real winner with this one!  And, if they can do it in a car, we can do it with a sub!
> Bob T.

The moon ate the sun on Monday and it was an awsome sight to see.