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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] BBC E-mail: Torpedo fuel to blame for Kursk loss

Here's a question for you all, especially the
folks who appear to have expertise in the field.

In any field of engineering, small , and sometimes
obvious solutions to big problems sometimes fall
through the cracks.

Why did the designers of the "Fancy" not just
add a few check valves in the design, so that
any HTP that started to react in the plumbing,
got vented to the exterior of the torpedo body?

Granted the leak may have been located inside
some pressure plumbing, but it isn't a big deal
to have solenoid valves block off pathways to
check valves when a legitimate firing sequence
is enabled.

The same can be said people contemplating designs
involving HTP, ensure that all plumbing that can
contain HTP can be vented to ambient when not under

Relief valves can also be introduced to the design
to avoid pipes bursting, and casings exploding.

In a sub, it is undesirable to have torpedoes venting
oxygen, but it's a much better option than letting
the casing blow apart.

In the real world, venting oxygen isn't a big deal,
provided you have adequate ventilation. In the case
of psubbers, venting gas into the water is certainly
no big deal.

Please bear in mind that this e-mail in no way endorses
the use of HTP, nor attempts in any way to promote
it, but merely seeks to find out if some clever
means can be devised to deal with the stuff in the
real world.

Best regards,
