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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Mad Pirate Shin on the loose

Hello future submariner!
Here are some options....
Catalina Island has 2 man submarines for charter.
Browse Seamagine submarines. Cost is $250.00 per hour.
See a homemade p-sub 2 man sub on display next to wwII
sub in San Fransisco Fishermans warf.
--- Mad Pirate Shin <psub_only_temporary@hotmail.com>

<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV>
<P>Mark and all,</P></DIV>
<P>&nbsp; The 'Mad Pirate' was an attempt at a playful
handle.&nbsp; I don't particularly care that much for
the government, but I have no plans to add torpedoes
to my mini-sub.</P></DIV>
<P>&nbsp; I would like to begin construction
on&nbsp;my own sub within the next five years,
but&nbsp;I have a lot to do before then.&nbsp; My
first love&nbsp;was outer space, but the oceans hold
the same allure with easier access.&nbsp; Right now,
I'd like to see a real sub in person to get a feel for
what I'm in for with this project.</P>
<P>&nbsp; At the moment, I live in Tennessee, but am
planning&nbsp;to move to the coast in the
spring.&nbsp; The PSubs convention is an opportunity
for me to see the Pacific coastline, as well as a good
excuse for a road trip.</P>
<P>&nbsp; If you know of any PSubs in the lower 48, or
any submarine related attractions, please let me
know.&nbsp; I would really be thrilled if&nbsp;someone
were to invite me for a tour of their PSub.&nbsp; I
will probably be traveling by way of I-40 or
I-10.&nbsp; I have traveled both in the past and
although I-40 is prettier either route is fine by
me.&nbsp; I'll have plenty of time for side-trips, so
all suggestions are welcome.</P>
<DIV><FONT face="Garamond, Times, Serif"
color=#006600>"And further more, be advised that
although this is actually a live broadcast and is
being sent out at this very moment, it is quite
possible that it may arrive tomorrow, right now, or
perhaps even yesterday."<EM><FONT face="Garamond,
Times, Serif"> <FONT color=#000000>-Serial Experiments
Lain ep#8</FONT></FONT></EM></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><EM><FONT face=Garamond></FONT></EM>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><EM><FONT face=Garamond></FONT></EM>&nbsp;</DIV>
<P></P>----Original Message Follows---- <BR>From: Ray
Keefer <RAY.KEEFER@SUN.COM><BR>Reply-To:
personal_submersibles@psubs.org <BR>To:
personal_submersibles@psubs.org <BR>Subject:
[PSUBS-MAILIST] Mad Pirate Shin on the loose <BR>Date:
Thu, 18 Jul 2002 14:34:50 -0700 (PDT) <BR><BR>Hi,
<BR><BR>Mad Pirate Shin is coming to the Convention
via the Sothern route from <BR>Tennessee to Oregon.
Are there any PSUBers he can stop by and visit?
<BR><BR>Speak up. You can reply to him directly at
psub_only_temporary@hotmail.com <BR>if you prefer to
keep your address off the list. <BR><BR>Thanks,
<BR>Ray <BR></div><br clear=all><hr>Chat with friends
online, try MSN Messenger: <a

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