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Hi Pete..

Pete suds schrieb:
> Hey, I've been away from the site for some time, so I thought I should look
> at the archives. Wow! Carstens CSSX1 has come a long way. I didn't realize
> it would be that big. Some navies don't even have subs that big :)

Most navies have bigger subs.. its clear a midget of a submarine - just
a little 
bigger than a normal psubs. If you works on your main jobs on
motorayachts in the
200 foot area - even a 52 foot sub looks - small.. 
In some ways it is easier to outfit this sub - than a small 2-3 foot
diameter pressure hull -
I can stand upright on the most places onboard - and the forklift is
notfar away. 

> Carsten, you could probably recoup your costs on your sub by taking people
> out on cruises. I know a guy in Anapolis that takes people out on his
> sailboat on weekends for $300/person. Imagine what you could do with an
> operational sub. Hawkes is planning on taking people out on his new two man
> sub for who-knows-what amount of big bucks. He's doing it through an
> adventure travel company (big business these days).
> Heck, you could keep them in a classroom for at least one of those days,
> training them on sub operations.

No way - the boat will be built without a class certification - for cost
reason - so no insurance company will like the idear to carry pay
And it is not possible to have a comercial crew for the same resons.. 

> I also know that scuba divers are always looking for some place exotic to go
> scuba diving. What some wouldn't give to dive from a diver lock-out on a
> sub. Imagine the pictures back at the dive club.

Most of my friends are expirence scuba divers - not  this kind of
holiday rent a scuba
gear divers - some of my friends goes to 400 feet with the tecdive
I am not really intresst to commercial my sub. I like the idear that I
have about
6-7 additional friends - all divers - which like to lear how to handle
this sub - so we have two crews and can use the sub even with sombody
ill, in holiday, on work etc. 

A friend of me has a dive boat for scuba divers. His original idear was
that sometimes he has diver guest to spend money for the boats maintance
cost. So he can look for treasures without own cost. Over the years it
change a little - and now he allways drive with pay-guest - and he never
again look for new treasure wrecks..
Not my way.. 

see you - any real psubers welcome here - even as guest on board cssx -
in some years. 


> Hey, if you are interested, ley me know. I would be interested in being your
> US travel agency,
> Suds