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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Underwater without submerging.

For another project, I was re-reading a book about Williamson and his
"photosphere."   In about 1912 john E. Williamson rebuilt his father's
invention, and that resulted in the "photosphere" from which the 1916
version of "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" was filmed.  (Williamson
also built a real, 100+-foot long submarine for the film.)

The Photosphere was a sphere at the end of a long tube.  The tube 
was rigid and had a ladder in it; it could be raised and lowered 
from the barge in which it was built.  Cameras and opeators sat in 
the sphere.  

This might be a useful idea for someone who didn't want to build
a "real" submarine, but who needed to get to a shallow depth.  If
I can get any more information, I'll pass it on.
