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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] H2O2 combustion chamber

Remember also, the Titanic was built by professionals and guaranteed UNSINKABLE.
I've worked in a "high-tech" lab, (Thermalphysics @ Hughes aerospace) and you
wouldn't believe the abundance of slackers and idiots that are so called "professionals".

Just use good common sense and think safety first and if the thing does blow up in
testing, hopefully no one will get hurt and you'll come away with a new found knowledge
and maybe some cool video footage.


"measure a thousand times, but cut only once"

Herve wrote:

true Benjamin Franklin was an inventor, and exploring the unknown.
Well H2O2, hydrazine, Alu powder all that is ALREADY invented, what makes
you think you will be succesfull where professionals and industrials with
money and labs are no so succesfull.
As a reminder, the late Kursk and even US Navy Subs sunk BECAUSE of a
catastrophic failure in systems working with peroxyde.
I am anxious to see what new good info you are going to get to build your
vortex, though wish you  luck but i am just suggesting you to "test" your
sub away from civilians, sure aware that peroxyde is an active component to
make  explosive mixtures.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eliezer Rodriguez" <eliezer_rodriguez@hotmail.com>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2002 9:20 AM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] H2O2 combustion chamber

> Hey guys,
> I wonder where what would happen if Benjamin Franklin didn't made his kite
> and key experiment on a thunderstorm because it sounded dangerous. True,
> could easily get killed but, remmember that if he wouldn't electricity
> wouldn't be around and neither batteries nor subs.
> Obviously nobody wants to get killed, but if stop trying new ways to do
> things because of fear then your life will be boring as hell. Research and
> then test your ideas with caution maybe you will be in history books in a
> couple decades, who knows.
> Eliezer Rodriguez
> "The only thing in life to fear is fear itself."
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