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[PSUBS-MAILIST] FWD: Keel Laying Ceremony To Be Held For Texas (SSN 775)

Thought this might be of interest-Mark Steed

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: dlnews_sender@DTIC.MIL
Reply-To: DODNEWS-L-request@DTIC.MIL
Date:          Wed, 10 Jul 2002 14:10:28 -0400

NEWS RELEASE from the United States Department of Defense

No. 357-02
July 10, 2002


A keel laying ceremony for the Navy's second attack submarine of
the Virginia class will be held Friday, July 12 at 11:30 a.m.
EDT.  The ceremony for Texas (SSN 775) will be hosted by
Northrop Grumman Newport News at their facility in Newport News,

Secretary of the Navy Gordon England will introduce U.S. Sen.
John W. Warner of Virginia, senior-ranking member of the Senate
Armed Services Committee, who will be the keynote speaker.
Other distinguished guests include Northrop Grumman Corporation
Chairman and Chief Executive Office Kent Kresa, Northrop Grumman
Newport News President Tom Schievelbein, General Dynamics
Electric Boat President Mike Toner, Virginia Governor Mark R.
Warner, U.S. Sen. George Allen of Virginia, Chief of Naval
Operations Adm. Vern Clark, and Master Chief Petty Officer of
the Navy Terry Scott.

Attending as the submarine's sponsor, First Lady of the United
States Laura Bush will have her initials welded to the hull as
the keel authenticator for the ceremony.  The keel that will be
authenticated for Texas is part of the stern of the ship.

The Navy's next-generation attack submarine, the Virginia class,
will provide the U.S. Navy with the capability required to
maintain the nation's undersea supremacy well into the 21st
century.  Texas will have improved stealthiness, sophisticated
surveillance capabilities and special warfare enhancements,
which will enable it to meet the Navy's multi-mission

Texas will be able to attack targets ashore with highly accurate
Tomahawk cruise missiles and conduct covert long-term
surveillance of land areas, littoral waters or other naval
forces. Other missions include anti-submarine and anti-ship
warfare, Special Forces delivery and support, and mine delivery
and minefield mapping. With enhanced communications
connectivity, Texas will also provide important battle group and
joint force support, with full integration into carrier battle
group operations.

The Virginia class of attack submarines surpasses the
performance of any current or projected threat submarine,
ensuring U.S. undersea dominance well into the next century.

Northrop Grumman Corporation's Newport News sector is teamed
with General Dynamics Electric Boat to build the first four
ships of the Virginia Class.  Texas is the second ship of the
class and it is the first to be built at Newport News.  Texas is
anticipating a christening date in 2004 and joining the fleet
upon being commissioned in 2005.

This is the fourth ship of the U.S. Navy to carry the name
Texas, which started with the original CSS Texas in 1865.

[Web version: http://www.defenselink.mil/news/Jul2002/b07102002_bt357-02.html]

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