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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] shapeable incompressable filler..any ideas?

Thanks for the pointers, I suppose what I should have said was that I
was looking for an actual material filler. Something like a resin or
foam, that will take up deadspace i.e. any little gaps that exisit
between tanks and batteries. Ultimately, I want to reduce the internal
volume as much as possible so that there is not quite so much air
required when compensating for pressure.
So I need something that is easily shapeable (or can be poured) and
will not compress to about 10m (unlike foam!).  I also require it to
be light so I dont affect the centre of balance when using large
volumes of it. It also must be as cheap as possible (unlike resin!)
without compomising the integrity of the boat! 
Sounds like the stuff that dreams are made of..does anyone know of
this magical material? what do other ambient sub designers use?

> Erik
> Try: www.norgren.com - they have just about thing to
> do would air control (look at pilot operated relief
> valves - excellent for controlling ambient pressure -
> cabin to hull pressure and visa a versa)
> Try: www.goreg.com - they have a good range of high
> pressure regulators
> Try: www.keyinstrument.com - they all types of
> flowmeters.
> hope this is of help
> from Brent Shaw
> --- Erik Michael Muller <emm03@uow.edu.au> wrote:
> > Hi people
> > Can I just pick peoples brains for a moment and ask
> > if anyone knows of
> > a light incompressable filler that is easy to shape?
> >  Something like
> > foam, but since I hope to use this in an ambient dry
> > sub, foam is of
> > no use.  I notice there are mentions of 'syntactic
> > foam' which sounds
> > revoltingly expensive, and possibly difficult to
> > obtain.  Does anyone
> > have a price on this stuff, or know of a
> > wallet-friendly alternative?
> > All I really want to do is cut down on my air volume
> > and fill in the
> > deadspace between air tanks/batteries/motors/me in
> > some sensible way!
> > Thanks folks, and my apologies if this topic has
> > been worn to death.
> > I am also keen to talk with people who are designing
> > a dry ambient
> > machine, about their solutions to various problems
> > (particularly
> > press. comp. and for a dicussion of design ideas) so
> > if anyone who is
> > doing this would like to contact me, I would be
> > forever appreciative.
> > Thanks again.
> > E. Muller.
> > 
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