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I would concur that re-writing Lloyds or ABS is redundant.  I like the
US Coast Guard approach in "Guidance for Certification of Passenger
Carrying Submersibles" where they require proof of the analysis.  In the
case of the USCG document they limit it to weight analysis but I could
see setting forth a basic design guidelines for justifying your

Technical drawings are nice but it really comes to 2 things: 1.
stress/crush depth analysis 2. Weight/bouyancy charecteristics.  This
shows that someone has done the math/physics for ALL the systems.  Not
having looked at ABS, I assume that is part of their standards.  {I
guess it would be important to have some standard for life support
analysis also!}  I'm not sure 6th grade math cuts it for this form of

I also agree with Herve in the statement that it should be strongly
encouraged to be dive certified.  It is a humbling experience and hazard
to screw up a dive (scuba) at 90' and lose bouyancy control. 

- Rob