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It is true that an increasing number of tech divers die, the reason being the increasing number of tech divers or so called. I am happy that Dam brought up this subject because it is a good example of what could happen with  psubers.
Tech diving was "self regulated" for a long time with only a limited of highly experienced divers who dared the venture.
Today with the diversity of new equipment beginners to tech diving may not know their limits or the real dangers and unfortunately , sometimes pay the ultimate price.
You can even find plans to make home made rebreathers over internet !
Intrusive regulations in that case would mean to protect the divers against themselves. and to ensure that the diver is really qualified.
Here at psubs, there are 2 issues , not 1, the safety of the psuber of course and most the safety of others.
There ARE incidents outhere, most of the time it is covered up, but it happens, I have seen a battery bank on fire in a large tourists sub, explosions in battery box, flood of a small sub (submersion with hatch still opened, yes!!!), and so on...
never heard of fatality or somebody hurt though.
Safety records are good because of the limited numbers of psubs, skilled constructors, and cost of construction which
discourage lousy ideas.
Comparison with an experimental aircraft is not entirely accurate because in case of catastrophic failure the exp aircraft eventually will  crash on the ground and somebody might get hurt, in case of catastrophic failure in a psub, the operator is going down without hurting anybody outside. and it does not make the head lines.
So lets keep our subs safe for ourselves and everybody around,
ABS, USCG, and others have extensive litterature , i dont think PSUBS needs to create another standard, but here "wilde" designs which include dangerous components, no matter HOW they are arranged, should be just rejected.
nobody uses CO2, propane, H2.
why even bother with posts on nuclear reactor in psubs! come on be real.
Any constructor shouldv Try to eliminate what can go wrong rather than assuming that it will be ok.
I have to face almost every month inquiries from law enforcement agencies because of threats of underwater attack, we are not far from new regulations specially if an idiot somewhere wants to revolutionize submaking with dangerous ideas.
Now for desert, when i read on the posts that a 6th grade is enough to build a $2M deep sub, hence who said that never got to 6th grade and / or does not have 2 nickels to rub together since he 's never got to have a sub .
----- Original Message -----
From: Daniel Lance
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 11:53 PM

To All current and aspiring Psub builders and operators,
I think SAFETY and PRUDENCE are very important points that should be really taken to heart. As "Tech" divers kill themselves in ever increasing numbers, that sport moves closer to more intrusive regulation. If we all had to certify our subs with ABS (at$10,000.00 to $20,000.00 a throw) and operate under expanded U.S. Coast Guard regulations, How long do you think this would be a viable sport? We don't have the membership base to create a DEMA or an EAA. We could easily be regulated right out of existance. Private aviation is a perfect example. If the EAA hadn't lobbied for the Experimental class, How many people could afford to own a plane of the  FAA certified type?( ie Cessna ,Piper etc) you get the point . I am new to the Psub website but not new to sub building and pressure vessels. I have 23 years experience as a Boilermaker. I am not bringing this point up to be arrogant or condecending, I am bringing it up because as i look thru the archives and read the current chat some of it it very  unsettling. Example:"Using A36 Steel for a sub pressure hull " a definate no no. That person needs to do some more homework. I fully realize that alot of the chatter is just idle fantasy and will probably never be acted upon, thats ok, thats what life is all about. But if the 1% or 2% of the scary ideas are carried out. That worries Me . I have a sizeable investment in my sub and i would like to use it for more than a shop ornament.
 If your thinking of building a sub read  " Manned Submersibles", ABS or Loylds of London (Rules for submersibles and diving systems) , and ASME manuals for PVHO. If you find some or all of this information overwhelming seek out someone who does understand it and FOLLOW their advice.  If you don't, you can and will get hurt and also ruin it for the rest of us! Just because you can cobble something together to save money doesn't mean you should.
Well enough ranting, I am by no means an expert but if someone needs help i would happy to help them or steer them in the direction of somebody who can. Small Manned Submersibles have had a good safety record up till now, let's keep it that way!
Dam Lance