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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] New potential sinker

Hi Michael,

Wow, you guys are good!  Water Baby!  That was it.  It has been a down hill
slide, or should I say descent, into the mental depths of dreaming from

Just so every one knows, I am 40.

Not a wet behind the ears infant, and certainly not an engineer (at least
not by education or trade).

But, I have worked in the automotive industry, and the high-tech machine
tool industry, and just have a great desire to build things.

To say I am qualified to engineer a sub would be lying, but that is just why
I want to do it.

About patents, I havn't collected any as of yet.  There is just not much
time in my life for pursuing my ideas just yet.  I guess you could say that
I am an engineer-want-to-be.

Good talking to you,

Bob T.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Holt" <mholt@richmond.edu>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 5:12 PM
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] New potential sinker

> Bob Teufel wrote:
> >
> > I first got interested in subs when I read the history of "Alvin," Woods
> > Hole Oceanagraphic Institute's deep sub.
> > I love to engineer stuff, even though I am not that qualified, and have
> > designed everything from odor-free cat boxes to self-screening camp
> > pots.  I have been hooked on subs ever since I read that book (I can't
> > remember the name but I found it in a public library).
> "Water Baby," by Victoria Kaharl?  That's dated 1990 -- I bet you're
> younger than most here.  (Which brings up a question: how old are
> we?)
> Gadgets are fun.  Do you collect patents or otherwise research
> ideas?  There are some great toys described in the Patent Office
> Gazette.
> > In answer to your question about the hull, the Diamond PSE Hull will not
> > faceted.  I want to use a teardrop shaped steel hull and apply Syntactic
> > PVC foam to a mold that mates up with the hull like they did with
> > the deep sea submersible.  So, if I can pull it off, it will have a
> > hull and an outer shell that is rounded on its inside but  faceted on
> > outer surfaces.
> The outer hull is to be faceted; that's what I was seeing.  Do you
> know about the W.A.R. airplanes?  As it was described to me, one
> buys a single airframe and then sculpts the contours (of a PW190,
> P-40, F4U, etc.) out of a foam.  I don't know any more than that.
> > Also, maybe I should have said new potential diver instead of sinker.  I
> > see where sinking alone might cause some serious problems!
> I figure that if the sub just goes down and doesn't come up the
> biggest problem for my family will be doing something with a
> library that is focused on stuff no one else understands.
> Mike