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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Access to FBI files...

A retired Police Captain sent me the following information.  I've given a great deal of thought as to whether or not I should share it with this group.  Since there's been some concerns about government scrutiny expressed on this website in the past, I've decided to post this message.
Ever wonder if the FBI has a file on you?  There is a free website that accepts and processes anonymous information requests.
DO NOT fill in the part that deals with Social Security Numbers: not initially necessary.
Type in the subject's name and State, and go from there.  If any matches are found, year of birth will be asked for, and it goes on.
If there are any files, they will include the file number, date of investigation, and any pictures available.
I understand this access is scheduled to be terminated at some time in the future, but as of this morning it was still working.
I'm passing this information on for whatever good it might do.  Personally, I was shocked by what I found there, and you can bet I left a comment on their page provided for feedback.
I don't want to clutter Ray's website with a lot of discussion about this; so please, If you feel the need to reply to me, do so offline.
The URL is:
I hope this will do some good.