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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] cubic feet / gallons conversion

Ok, now I understand what your saying.

BluWtrSailr@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 4/25/02 9:33:28 PM EST, coalbunny@onewest.net writes:
> << Charles, haw can 8 ounces of Hg = 32 pounds?  16 av ounces equals 1 av
>  pound, remember?
>  Carl >>
> I guess it weighs that much because its a metal...a liquid, but a metal
> nonetheless.  Well, I meant about a cup sized portion of mercury, which is
> about 8 ounces of liquid.  I would think that the same would apply to any
> liquid...a cup size of sea water will weigh more than fresh water.
> Charles

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