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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] cubic feet / gallons conversion

You lost me Charles.  Hos can 8 ounces of Hg be 32 pounds?  A gallon of
a liquid is generally taken at room or constant temperature (at or about
32 degrees F).  You really can't measure a gallon of boiling water very
acurately because of the liquid to gas exchange.  And the same for
liquid nitrogen.  That's wht the constant temp or room temp.  At that
point the liquid to gas exchange is minimal.  But a gallon of Hg is the
same as a gallon of water.  It's one gallon.  Ok, the weight will
certainly differ, but a gallon is not based on weight, it's based on
capacity.  A five gallo Jerry Can  will hold about 5 gallons of gas,
diesel, water or Hg.  Five gallons is still five gallons.  

BluWtrSailr@aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 4/21/02 9:27:09 PM EST, coalbunny@onewest.net writes:
> << Charles, a gallon is a gallon is a gallon is a gallon.  regardless of
>  the liquid you put in it- gasoline, JP-4, nitroglycerine, mercury,
>  uranium hexaflouride, or water.  The weight of the gallon is a different
>  story.  Water is around 8 or so pounds per gallon.  I don't know about
>  mercury or JP-4. >>
> I agree...I just don't think that a gallon of all fluids can be converted to
> cubic feet equally...Is a cubic measurement of liquid nitrogen the same as a
> cubic measurement for boiling water?  It just seems like their being at
> oppossite sides of the spectrum creates a lot of room for question.  I know
> that all different densities will weigh different,(mercury is about 32lbs per
> 8 ounces) but were not discussing weight, instead, we are looking at volume.
> It doesn't seem right that's all.
> Charles

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