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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Big Brother is watching TV ...

Hi Andre,

What's the point of being 1000 feet underwater and only seeing things
via video cameras. Unless you are going to use your eyeballs to look 
through view ports you might as well just build a ROV. A ROV would be
cheaper, safer, and you get to run it from a lawn chair with your
favorite cold drink in hand.


> From: AndrePevestorf@aol.com
> Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 10:49:09 EDT
> Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Big Brother is watching TV ...
> To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
> Hi ,
> Carsten Standfuss put the idea into my head that it would be great if I can 
> design my intended own PSUB as a smal additional sub connected to the big big 
> CSSX "Mother cow".... 
> Regarding this I check ever and ever again the possible scenarios ....
> One pretty cheap solution could be an "blind worm" equal to his famous 
> "Mother" ... (that means only to use some cams not a viewport or windows)
> But what I want to ask all your guys :   Is it a good idea to creep into a 
> smal tube dive to 1000+ feet and all you can see looks like a very boring TV 
> Reality show ....
> please keep into acount that our northsee or baltic see is not as clean and 
> crowded with a lot of colored fishes as in florida or so .... 
> So only looking from the technical side it should making sence.... but on the 
> other hand from the psycological side it seems like a complete stupid idea 
> .... best way to become a lunatic for the rest of your life....
> But if I remember all the hours I wasted with computer games ... It depends 
> on the contents of the pictures you see ... :-))
> all thoughts about this are higly welcome ... 
> By the way:  regarding the term "Mother" --- I remember the movie "ALIEN" -- 
> Ripply is talking to the ship-computer --  any suggestions for a good sound 
> or voice for my PSUB-computer ???
> A.