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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] ABS hatch rules and alvin


I do not know by whom Alving is insured, but I am pretty sure it is
certified and insured. There are more subs with free flooding conningtowers
(Star 2 and 3, Deepstar 2000, Ben Franklin, Beaver). The hatch of Deepstar
is located in the endcap of the pressurehull and thus below the surface.
They probably use a pump to empty the tower.

I am designing a psub with a free flooding conningtower. The big advantage
is the simplicity (and strength) of the pressurehull. One could use (as John
Farrington suggested) 2 premade boiler endcaps weld them together, ad a
hatch and a viewport and you have a pressurehull.

Thijs Struijs

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lucas Gray" <lgray@tera.engr.mun.ca>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Sunday, April 14, 2002 4:06 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] ABS hatch rules and alvin

> I've heard and read that the ABS hatch rules are require about 2 feet,
> from the hatch to the water line. The alvin submersibe does not appear to
> have this but instead has a free flooding (fiberglass?) conning tower that
> appears to have flood holes below the waterline. I assume that these holes
> are oneway valves such that after the water drains out a passing wave will
> not let water come back in. so the pressure hull hatch is at the water
> line but the entrance hatch is 3? feet above the waterline... does this
> simple modification satisfy the ABS rules..? if not, is the alvin
> insured? by who?
> lucas
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