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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] dome or cams ? was tank periscope optics

In einer eMail vom 10.04.2002 22:13:44 (MEZ) - Mitteleurop. Sommerze schreibt walford@dbtech.net:

then why inhabit the sub at all? Shrink it to a ROV and view from the
surface via 3-D goggles like the "telepresence" of the Mars rover operator.
You'd be almost as much "there" as viewing a monitor, and completely safe.
Or, build a dummy hull on shore and view the monitors there for the CCD
images from the ROV. Introduce some hydraulic driven motion simulation to
move the hull for reality. Hey, if we can make this VR, maybe there's a
Mall arcade psub possibility here! <g>

I've thought quite seriously about 2 CCD cameras spaced the width of the
human eyes and remotely maneuverable on ROV perhaps being a reasonable
virtual substitute for a psub experience when viewed with 3D goggles. It is
said that one adapts rapidly to the "telepresence" effect and it becomes so
real a replacement for our perception that one becomes dizzy from the
movement of the cameras. While presenting its own design challenges, it
would certainly be a lot cheaper as well.

William Alford

Agree. If your design aim is to scan the sea bottom visualy than a ROV is the ultimative answer. But you need more than a ROV and a cable reel.
You need a boat or ship.
If you want to build a mil sub there isnīt a view port. (maybe this is from the old childhood slang: "if I canīt see you then you canīt see me")
If you want to build a PSUB then your greatest wish is to dive into the sea with a selfmade vessel. Itīs common practice to use a dome or view port to realize that all the efforts were not without success.....

To navigate a ROV is damned difficult indeed. If you loss the orientation only for a single moment, thatīs it. (This is one off the dubious points for using only CCDīs in a small vivacious sub)

Nevertheless from a specific deep there is only darkness and no light can show you more than the next few meters ... than the sonar is your eye. Running with some kn gives your no time to say goodby if you SEE the wall.

The major difference between a ROV and a inhabit SUB is not the kind off sensors used to get the amond of necessary information but the processing. In a sub you are the CPU and the signals are short linked to your head.

Last but not least the cable off a ROV is another special subject.  And ROVīs without a cable are like "Black Jack"..
