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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Rebar/Fiberglass Hull- 1 ATM design

> For the life of me I can't understand why more people haven't latched =
> onto the idea of buying premade boiler end caps to construct a saucer =
> shaped hull. There wouldn't be any forming, and welding would be =
> minimal, I'm sure you could get a mobile welding service for your needs. =
> Somebody really needs to put one of these together and document the time =
> and money saved with this technique.
> JP

I've talked about doing exactly that with my better-half.  Actually,
we were talking about making a pair of them, one for me, one for her,
and using a dome type of hatch like that found on a K-250.  Sitting
on a trailer, or in the water, the thing would definitely look like
a little flying saucer.  A couple of external motor pods on the sides
that were rotatable, again, like a K-250's, and it would probably
be pretty maneuverable.
