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RE: [PSUBS-MAILIST] which CAD program for a Mac?

Title: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] which CAD program for a Mac?
Yes, in fact this morning I was reading about a number of CAD vendors for the mac, and VectorWorks stood out (same company as Minicad). The problem is the most basic license was about $1,300. There was another one from a company called Deneba that was more reasonable (about $400 - $500) but seems too geared towards architecture.
Is there nothing more "low end" out there?
-----Original Message-----
From: Garry Muir [mailto:garry.muir4@virgin.net]
Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 1:38 PM
To: personal_submersibles@psubs.org
Subject: Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] which CAD program for a Mac?

I know the "which CAD?" question has come up before, but I have a new twist. My wife just gave me a new MAC, and I've always been a PC guy. Do any of our resident CAD gurus have a recommendation? On my PC I've been using QuickCAD, which is a cheap 2D "cad lite" from the makers of Autocad. I love it, although I'd also like to do some 3D work. Key factors are ease of use, and low cost, since this is after all a hobby.

Hi Alec

I have been using Vector Works 8.5 on an iMac running OS 8.6, I am new to CAD so I am still finding my way around the program,but so far so good, a friend who studied industrial design rated it highly. I do not know if Vector Works is available for OS X but do know it runs on OS 9.

                        Regards, Garry