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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Convention update, 01 Mar 2002

	PSUBS 1st Annual Convention Update
	Date: 01 Mar 2002

	This page is a dedicated to the 1st Annual PSUBS Convention.
	[The canceled one from last year doesn't count.]

    Regatta Rules and Procedures
        Emergency Procedures and Safety Precautions


	In the Portland, Oregon, USA metropolitan area.

 	Friday,    16 August 2002	Regatta, PSUBS meet on lake to dive
	Saturday, 17 August 2002	Meeting, meet in conference for meeting
	Sunday,   18 August 2002	OMSI, visit USS Blueback

    0900-1000 Registration
    1000-1100 Launch PSUBS
    1100-1200 Subs diving
    1200-1300 Lunch
    1300-1400 Timed trials/competition
    1400-1500 Subs diving

    0800-0900 Registration
    0900-0910 Welcome
    0910-1000 Event 1	     Speaker/presentations/session
    1000-1050 Event 2 	     Speaker/presentations/session
    1100-1150 Event 3            Speaker/presentations/session
    1150-1300 Lunch              Submarine sandwiches/soda/chips/talk
    1300-1350 Event 4            Speaker/presentations/session
    1400-1450 Event 5            Speaker/presentations/session
    1500-1550 Event 6            Speaker/presentations/session

	Visit USS Blueback, the last USN Diesel-Electric submarine at 
            OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry)
    ????-???? Techo Tour of USS Blueback

Attendees (planned)

    Name		E-mail                  ## OMSI Sub Mtg Reg Notes
    --------------- 	----------------------- -- ---- --- --- --- -------
    Ian Roxborough  	irox@evilpeople.com     1   1   0   1    0
    Alec Smyth      	Asmyth@changepoint.com  1   1   0   1    0  Support
    John R. Farrington 	jrf@austin.ibm.com   	0   0   0   0    0
    Dale Heinzig    	heinzind@cadvision.com  2   2   ?   2    2
    David Deffner   	deffner@glade.net       1   1   0   1    1
    Ray Keefer		ray.keefer@sun.com	3   2   0   3    3

   ##       = Number in party
   OMSI     = Number going to OMSI
   Sub      = Number of subs bringing
   Mtg      = Number coming to meeting
   Reg      = Number coming to Regatta


	Ray Keefer	organizer/MC
	Greg Snyder	Regatta Captain
	Alec Smyth	Support Diver


    None at this time.


    Not select yet. Will have directions and maps.


    Brief list of motels/hotels in Portland, Beaverton or Hillsboro.


    None at this time.


    None identified at this time.

Regatta Rules and Procedures

	Where: where to meet, down to lake, beach, dock, parking lot


	This would be the how to keep the event sane. I like the idea
	of one sub at a time submerging for a fixed amount of time and
	Getting dive permission (Marshall boat and chase boat could 
	be the same):
		1. power over to Marshall boat to request permission to dive
		   (all divers have to fillout some kind of form, name,
		   date of birth, next of kin (sorry :) ) (minors will have
		   to have the signature of a parent)
		2. be put into diving queue 
		3. when it is your turn the marshall gives you permission
		   to dive
		4. You power to a chase boat/or it tows you clear of all
		   the other subs
		1. The chase boat hands you an underwater telephone.
		2. The chase boat attaches a buoy with floating line
		3. The chase boat hands you a kitchen timer locked in a
		   box (so you can't be tempted to turn the dial and get
		   more dive time :)
		4. Chase boat sets another timer that it gets with time 
		   plus five minutes
		5. Chase boat lifts dive flag 
		6. Sub is good to go
		7. Underwater telephone contact is maintained.
		1. When timer goes off in the sub, the sub surfaces
		2. If the sub does not come up by the time the chase
		   boat's timer goes off then the emergency procedures go
		   into effect and that sub and operator will dive no more
		   that day, i.e. no more permission from the marshall. 
		3. The chase boat lowers the dive flag. 
		4. The sub hands the timer and underwater telephone to the
		   chases boat.
	Returning to fleet:
		1. The sub powers/or is towed back to the fleet
    Emergency Procedures and Safety Precautions
	Safety Procedures:
		1. buoy?
		2. underwater telephone 
			- one on chase boat
			- one that is passed to the sub with dive permission 
		3. CB's/cell phone/radios?
		4. a pair of divers on hand
		5. lift bags on hand
		6. hoist/crane?
	Emergency Procedures:
		1. try underwater telephone
		2. put diver in water, follow buoy line down to sub
		3. determine problem
		4. use lift bags if necessary
		5. chase boat to tow to shallow water
		6. in mean time paramedics called if needed


    1. Find conference facilities
	a. Identify possible sites
	   - Check with Portland Chamber of Commerce		503-228-9411
	   - Check with Beaverton Chamber of Commerce		503-644-0123
	   - Check with Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce		503-648-1102
	   - Check with Portland Oregon Visitors Association	503-275-9750
	     Mostly deals with large convention centers		www.pova.com
	   - Convention and Visitor Bureau of Washington	503-644-5555
	     County (cities of Beaverton and Hillsboro)
	   - Check hotels/motels in area
	   - Verify leads to
	     -  Solectron, Hillsboro, OR 	503-648-5000
		Contact person Beverly 	503-681-3111
		Holds 250 people, $250 for half day, $500 for full day
	     -  Residence Inn, Beaverton		503-268-4413	
		holds 30 people
		Contact person Christina Luersen
	   - Ray's barn

	b. Select site
        c. Put down deposit to reserve
        d. Final payment
	e. Publish costs
	f. Collect fees from participants
	e. Need volunteers to run program, one person will not be able 
	   to do it all. 
		2 registrars
		1 technical man/audio-visual/video camera
		cleanup crew
	g. Costs factors:
		Room rental
		Catered lunch
		Speaker fees or perks (free entrance? Or free OMSI entrance? 
		Or free lunch?)
	h. Name tags
	i. Hand outs
	j. Parking lot for cars and trailers (with subs)

   2. Find Motels
	a. Identify possible motels
	b. Individuals to book own accommodations
        c. Need volunteers to chase the information down and present to group

   3. Plan Tours
	a. Explore possibilities
	b. Collect information
	c. Publish costs
	d. Gather votes from PSUBS
	e. Gather fees
	f. Book tour/or make arrangements
	g. Need volunteers to chase the information down and present to group

   4. Fill out Program
	a. Sponsor's?
	b. Topics?
	c. Video?
	d. Outside vendors
	e. Just us doing a bull session.
	f. Seeing Pat's video
	h. Have Dale walk us through his construction steps
	i. Design a sub

   5. MC
	a. Volunteer for MC (Master of Ceremony)? Ray is default.

   6. Conference center necessaries:
        1. parking, cars and a few trailers with subs
        2. VCR's & TV
        3. white or black boards. A white board that makes hardcopies
           would be nice.
        4. Digital camera (someone could bring their own)
        5. Still cameras
        6. Movie cameras
        7. Lots of scratch paper
        8. Calculators
        9. Reference books
        10. Podium with microphone
        11. Overhead projector
        12. Copier

   7. Cameras and video
	1. need photographer/cameraman
	2. need camera still and video
	3. need film and tape

    8. Arrange OMSI/USS Blueback Techno Tour
	1. Usually the Techno Tour is arranged every 1st Sunday of each 
	   month, eight people max, $15 each person
	2. Convince OMSI to hold it when we want it. Can't be Saturday 
	   afternoon since that is their
    	   busiest time. Posibly early Saturday or Sunday. OMSI open 
    	   Tuesday to Sunday.
	3. Ary (sp?) Walker, Manager of Submarine	503-797-4624
	4. Travel to/from OMSI. Car pool, bus, public transit, on your own?

    9. Memorabilia
	1. Table
	2. License?
	3. Merchandise: T-shirts, caps, plans....
	4. Cash box
	5. Two operators
	6. Proceeds to help offset costs

	1. Contact local TV stations
	2. Contact local newspaper
	3. Contact local radio stations
	4. Contact local dive shops.
	5. PSUBS web page (www.psubs.org)
	6. Newspaper ads
	7. Local radio ads
	8. Contact PSUBS related professionals
	9. Contact past PSUBer who dropped off alias
	10. Word of mouth, friends, family

	1. Create rules
	2. Plan events/time trials
	3. develop safety plan and emergency procedures
	4. locate body of water
    	- Hagg Lake 
	5. water usage fees?
	6. locate chase boats
	7. underwater telephone - make or borrow
	8. registration process
        9. Can all subs dive at will?
 	10.Can only a fixed number dive at will?
	11. Can only two, or one dive at a time? Dive
            in pairs. More fun then just my yourself and you are going with a
   	12. Do we have to have buoys attached to each sub?
	13. Does each sub have to have voice communications to the surface?
	14. Do we have to have a chase boat? One per diving sub?
	15. Do we have to have divers? Buddied up of course. One pair per diving
	16. How to organize the event? Whom says who can dive when? Need regatta
        17. Lunch?

    12.Events/Speaking topics/session
	1. movie: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
	2. go out to parking lot and ogle the subs. This is a crawl inside 
	   a  real sub type of session.
	3. Breakout into brain storm build it sessions