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[PSUBS-MAILIST] diver lockout details

Perhaps this question is best directed at Carsten, as he has (I think) already
designed one of these, but I am curious as to how the diver lockout chamber
is plumbed.  Does any flooding occur, or is it dry?  What compression rate
is used, and how is it regulated?  How is diver decompression accomplished?
 Controlled by the diver or must have intervention from a sub occupant?  Manual
control?  Multiple gas capability?  What about the space utilization?  ie.
during transit when not using the lockout chamber, can the space serve any
other purpose?  What about diver access?  What design considerations went into
the entryway?

I have some ideas on how I would address these issues, but I would like to
hear from those who have seen it, done it and/or thought about it.

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