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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] History storys was Re: More youthful wetsub experiences

--- Eliezer Rodriguez <eliezer_rodriguez@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Carsten, that is, that we know of. I believe that possibility is a factor 
> dealing with goverments as they will always hide anything that they can for 
> "secutiry" reasons. 

Especially during a hot war... and they don't come much hotter than WWII.  All
sides (there were way more than just two) engaged in lot of deception, and one
of the lessons of history is that war is like poker: when the hand is over, you
don't always get to see all of the folded cards.  Military organizations are by
the nature of their mission, deceptive.  That's just a fact.

But to the point at hand... the records of UBoats appear to be pretty complete.
 Were there any UBoats "off the list" - or outside the naval command structure?
 Stranger things have happened, y'know.  It is possible only to know where the
submarine command recorded all of the UBoats to have ended up.  It is not
possible to assure that the list is perfect.

Besides lies and deceptions, in the fog of war honest errors may have crept
into the list.  The people who knew enough to correct them might have been
dead.  The Nazi regime was fastidious in its record-keeping, but even this is
no guarantee that all has been found, or is correct.  Errors have occurred and
been documented; maybe not world-historic errors concerning matters of global
significance, but errors all the same.  Records disclosed from east of a
certain now-unused irregular line on the map are at the very least more suspect
than some other records which have come to light.

Carsten, Eliezer, all: the truth is out there, but so are lots of rumors and
lies.  UBoats were part of a war, and in war the first casualty is the truth.


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 And boron, gadolinium, niobium, iridium 
 And strontium and silicon and silver and samarium, 
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