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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Discovery channel last night...

MerlinSub@t-online.de wrote:
> Hi John - this Trench is 11000 meter (36.000 feet)
> deep - in other words :
> about 11000 x 1,025 = 11275 metric tons per square meter
> pressure - equal to 1047 t per square foot ..
> On the moon the pressure on the wall of your ship will be
> below 10 t per square meter (1 bar) equal to 0,92 t per
> square foot - and this is inside pressure - much easier
> for a pressure hull than outside pressure..

Not quite suitable for the propane-tank hulls ....

> Maybe the moon seems more save..

Are we ready to start a new list for personal spacecraft?
Has anyone ever heard of SpaceCub?

Speaking of Discovery Channel, does anyone monitor
their offerings?  Would someone please watch for things
we'd like to see?  I don't have cable, but I can have
programs taped if I can warn my friend to do it.
