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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Kemp's books

I have here "Bemannte Torpedos und Klein-U-Boote"
which is the translation of "Underwater Warriors. 
Its a more or less plain text hardback. 
Size 6 inch to 9 inch, 1 inch strong.
Deals with the operation and history 
of this subs - not much with there technology. 
My hardback of UW has no foldouts. 

"Midget submarines - of the second world war" 
is much bigger in size and also hardback 
about 10 x 12 inch. 
Much more pictures and drawings including 
a folder plan of the x-clas crafts 1/24
and a folder plan of a Seehund - same scale. 
More about there technology. 

"Midget Submarines" Warship fotofax 
of the same author is paperback and 
smaller 7,5 x 9,6 inch and just 0,2 inch 
strong - minor text but 94 pictures 
in black and white. 

All three books are complete different
and - good. 

Still the best source for Midget submarines
is Harald Fock "Marine-Kleinkampf-mittel"
- unfortunatly it is in german language.
Many pictures and drawings. ISBN 3-7822-0265-1 
And a foldout of SA51 /52
(See at WWW.Webtagon.com/submarines )

see you Carsten

"Michael B. Holt" schrieb:
> He wrote "Underwater Warriors" and one titled "Midget
> Submarines."
> Or do I have the second one wrong?
> I just bought a paperback edition of  the first one.  What's
> the difference between the two books?  Does the hardback
> edition of the UW have any foldouts?
> Mike