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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Attached files?

--- Carsten Standfuß <MerlinSub@t-online.de> wrote:
> It takes to long - sometimes during a disscusion
> we want to exchange now - not 1-2 days or 1-2 week later.. 

Yes.  If there was someplace to simply upload pics to, that members could see,
then you could simply upload & post the url on the list & anybody could click
it and look.  I am on other lists that work this way - it's a dream.

If not interested, you don't click, you don't wait for big downloads, no
problem.  It's a nice compromise, if something like that can be supported -
easy to exchange drawings, photos, etc; efficient for low-speed users who are
not interested in every topic.  Efficient for the ISP, too: the server only
transmits the image to people who care, not automatically to every address on
the list.  Let's face it, some people will look at everything, some at very
few, but basically why send lots of data that won't be looked at?


> But okay a drawing database will - filled over the years 
> - explain most of the questions.. 

Obviously many times the same questions come back again and again.  It would
sure be nice to be able to say "Carsten answered that last year, look at his
diagram at http://whatever.whatever.whatever..."


"All in the world know the beauty of the beautiful, and in 
 doing this they have what ugliness is; they all know the 
 skill of the skilful, and in doing this they have what the
 want of skill is." 
             - Tao Te Ching verse 2 (Legge translation)

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