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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Deck guns

> There's something called a "Toypedo" that I've seen sold at Big 5, but you
> can probably find it at some place like Wal-Mart as well. It's made from
> some type of rubber and claims to fly 30 feet (10 meters) from someone 
> throwing it underwater, but would probably fly much better if launched from a

> PVC pipe with a SCUBA tank.

Toypedoes work as advertised in swimming pools, great fun until the lifeguard
whistles and points at you!  The problem is they're banned at our local pool
during adult swim ;-( what lamers.

I don't know about a high-velocity launch, they are made for safety (kids are
meant to toypedo each other while playing submarine superhero spy droid) and it
seems that no matter how hard you toss them they go about the same distance at
about the same speed.  Really wing the suckers from the side of the pool and
when they enter the water they rapidly decelerate to what looks like the "usual
cruising speed" until they stop at about the usual distance.  Nothing
scientific here about my testing, we were playing of course.

I'm sure that this behavior is designed into the geometry of the things, to
limit the damage kids will cause each other.

-Lew, who is a little bit embarrassed about all this, but only a little bit.

"All in the world know the beauty of the beautiful, and in 
 doing this they have what ugliness is; they all know the 
 skill of the skilful, and in doing this they have what the
 want of skill is." 
             - Tao Te Ching verse 2 (Legge translation)

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