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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Find a daddy

When I was a young lower enlisted type I had a butter bar ask me
to do something stupid.  My chief (chief master sergeant) took
the young lieutenant aside and told him he needed a "daddy" to
keep him out of trouble and let him in on the real Air Force
versus the stuff preached at OSC.  The young officer found
a master sergeant to `parent' him and he made a fine 1st Lt.

That's what I'm doing now.  I've embarked on an M.A. program
studying the history of technology and science of submersibles
and submarines from 1580 thru 1945.  It is an independent study
program, where I layout the reading areas and write thematic
papers, and finally a thesis examining the various advances
in submersible design.

I have two faculty that I am working with now.  A core guy
who handles the format of the papers (to ensure they are
academically appropriate) and an historian (since this is
ultimately a history degree.)  What I would like to add is a
technical person.

That person should be an ex-submariner or have had heavy
involved with commercial/military subs.  Someone with
a Ph.D. or a naval officer would be gravy.

 Unfortunately there's no formal honorarium involved but
for the right person I'd be willing to send off a good bottle of
scotch/vodka/cognac at the end of each semester (there are three
ending: Feb 02, Sep 02, Feb 03)

 If there is enough interest I am willing to share my papers
with the list.  They will probably be long on theory and dry.
I had thought of trying to build Fulton's boats as a final
project but my professors think that it's too much work for
a master's degree and impossible to complete in 18 months.
After doing the preliminary research I think they are right.

 If you are interested please email me off list and I'll
forward you a copy of my preliminary study plan so you can
see if this is anything that might be of interest.

 Thanks for your time.

Jack Skoda <jskoda@ellacoya.com>
"So shines a good deed in a weary world." ...Willy Wonka