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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] magazine article

Well, I hope to have a PSUB here in Wyoming someday, and maybe go hit
Flaming Gorge or Yellowstane Lake.

Lew Clayman wrote:
> --- Coalbunny <coalbunny@onewest.net> wrote:
> > One of my past landlords was some kind of a technician for the USAF in
> > the late '60s to the mid '70s.  He was stationed in AK for a number of
> > years, working on the radar stations.  He showed me some pics of the
> > remains of a Bear that went down east of Nome.  Went down, went boom, no
> > survivors.  And radar didn't pick it up.  Eskimos first found it.  No
> > bombs, full crew, even had drop tanks.  Where it went down there wern't
> > any trees, just tundra.  I wish I could recall the distance from Nome.
> > He said they were baffled how the bomber could have gotten opast their
> > radar, but it did.  I think it had been down long enough that they
> > couldn't approximate the time of impact.  I'm thinking it had been down
> > a few weeks before the Eskimos found it.
> > Carl
> Well, anything from 50? - 300? miles east of Nome is pretty unpopulated.  Then
> comes Fairbanks, and then the almost-nobody-lives-there starts again.  No
> surprise that, having once gotten in and gone down, nobody would find it.
> There's a reason they call AK "the great land!"  No surprise either that the
> dating was uncertain, any human remains would likely have frozen solid in a few
> hours - not counting high summer of course.  Grim.  (But here's an amazing stat
> - as of the 1990 census, Wyoming was on average more sparsely populated than
> Alaska, in total people per unit area.  Haven't seen 2000 figures.  Not many
> PSUBS in Wyoming, though.)
> Presumably it was on a recon mission and had a problem, but that's not the kind
> of thing anybody would publish in detail.  We'll probably never know.
> Thanks
> -Lew
> =====
> "I made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter."
>              - Pascal, Provincial Letters XVI
> =====
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