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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Mini book review.


this is a book I've mensioned before on psubs, but
since it's a new book (published earlier this year)
I thought I'd give a quick blurb about it.

Title: "Pressure Vessels: External Pressure Technology"
Author: Carl T. F. Ross
Publisher: The Horwood Publishing Colophon
ISBN#: 1-898563-74-8
Published: April 2001 (hardcover)

After being initally shock at the cost of pressure
vessel books (~$125 to $7600) I was pretty happy to
see this book retailing at $55 (amazon.com). Even
better, this book is all about designing submarine
pressure hulls.

This book contains lots of advanced math, as well as
experimental data (from crushing lots of tin cans).
As well as crush depth there are two chapters dedicated
to vibrations on your pressure hull and caculating
the resonant frequence.

- The formula for calculating the axisymmetric deformation
of circular cylinder stiffened by rings of unequal-size
and spaceing (can be inside or outside the hull).
- The "Novel Pressure Hull Designs" chapter (nice ideas
like reverse your endcaps to stick in instead of out...).
- also formulas for stiffened domes and cones.

This book unforutinately has typos in some of formula.
I've been meaning to contact the author and ask him
about some of the errors (and maybe try to get them
fixed for a second edition).

I've been pretty happy with this book, even if some
of the math is above me.

Hope this help somebody.  I'd be interested to hear
what other thought of this book.


P.S: some web pages related to the book.

The authors webpage:

Some extras from the book: