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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] magazine article

Mad Pirate Shin wrote:
>   Boy, the I-400 was sure something!  It is amazing to think
> one might be able to deploy a force in the air, under the
> seas, and on the seas.  But as much as I would have loved a
> tour of this sub, it doesn't seem too practical to have a ship
> which can keep afloat in three elements, but sail in none. 

I found the tone of the article to be rather arrogant.  
Whoever wrote it was young, with no understanding of the
social and economic conditions under which the I-400s 
were conceived and built.  Sufficient it was for the
writer to point out that the boats were bad ideas ...
and the main reason they were bad ideas was that the
Japanese lost the war.

That kind of thing loosens my battery cables.

Merry Christmas anyway.
