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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Propane tanks

I say that anybody can build what they want whatever way they want. 
They're the ones that use it, not me.  I prefer safety above all else. 
And my sub, if I ever get anywhere with it, probrobly wouldn'y suit but
maybe a handful of people nation wide.

Jacob Lauser wrote:
> I like Carsten's "Do-it-right-or-don't-do-it-at-all" attitude. If we listen,
> more of us will stay alive in this business ;).
> - Jake Lauser

"The plain meaning of the right of the people to keep arms is that it is
an individual, rather than a collective, right and is not limited to
keeping arms while engaged in active military service or as a member of
a select militia such as the National Guard." - U.S. vs. Emerson, 5th
Circuit Federal Court- published October 16, 2001